…small town life

When I first moved to Cairo the small town life was fascinating to me.  I think it was a new novelty to me then, people waving to me even though I didn’t know them and the whole calling me “Miss. Stacy” thing.  It is not something I always think about now but there are definetly days I shake my head in amusement over experiences like going to the grocery store for a couple items and finally leaving an hour later not because it was a big store (its not!) but because of all the people I run in to talk to.  The grocery store really is a time to catch up with people.  It is a really nice feeling being known and Cairo is like that.  I am a person that really enjoys things, places etc that are personal so it shouldn’t have been surprising that I would like it.  Sometimes we do not know ourselves as well as we think we do, thankfully there is somebody that does.

Lately I’ve had a number of fun small town moments.

Last week my/our (Jesse and mine!) cat Jewel was having a bad reaction to flea medication.  She was shaking like I had never seen a cat shake.  There is  a retired teacher in town that takes in stray animals and works to find them homes.  She knows everything related to pets in the area.  So, at 9:30 at night we went to her house to ask her opinion.  She ushered us right in.  She led us to a vet we could go to.  I went back to her house a couple days later to let her know Jewel was doing wonderfully.  It is good to know who to go to for what.

I was in  small nearby town this morning at the florist.  On a side note, the small downtown area kind of looks like the one on Runaway Bride.  😉  Anyway I discovered this secondhand store and I asked what the process was in selling old clothes.  The lady upfront told me to talk to Judy.  So, I went back and Judy introduced herself, the lady who was helping her and told me it was her sister Barbara up front.  She asked me what my name was, who I was, talked to me about what the florist was up to!  I walked out just chuckling to myself.

Today at the local ice cream joint, The Dairy Hut, I didn’t have enough cash and the lady said, “You come here enough, just bring it by later.”  How nice.

We were sitting on the steps of the Catholic Church and a neighbor down the road stopped by to check up on us.  He had heard from Sara’s grandma that we were all moving out of town.  No, we reassured him, just Sara and Kristy are moving right now.  He felt much better about that.

I came here entirely not sure about this small town business and now I call this place home.  For a while this was only a place I would be for a little while and now I want to commit to it while I do live here.  Amazing.

…time in Romans 4:13-16


As we are told in Romans 4:13-16…

“For the promise to Abraham and his offspring that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of FAITH.  For it is the adherents of the law who are to be the heirs, faith is null and the promise is void.  For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression.  THAT IS WHY IT DEPENDS ON FAITH, in order that the promise may rest of GRACE and be guaranteed to all his offspring-not only the adherentof the law but ALSO TO THE ONE WHO SHARES THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM, WHO IS THE FATHER OF US ALL….”

Faith is righteousness.  Righteousness comes from faith, from the act of believing.  “Abraham believed God (and this) was counted to him as righteousness.”  We do not earn righteousness.  We believe.  Then, we receive righteousness.  Today I was thinking, what if we just had in our minds that our job for the day, for every day, was to believe?  That is it.  Believe God.  Believe what he said, embrace it and live it.  This is what I’ve been asking for!   In Romans 4 it says that one thing that we receive from faith is righteousness.  I would dare to believe that everything we need will be provided for us when we believe God.  When we take a footstep of faith.  Every example of faith in our faith family lineup in  Hebrews 11 came from taking steps, even one step of faith.

We are even heirs, who receive an inheritance, by faith, actually it says it depends on faith.  That is ones who share the faith of Abraham.  We have a heritage of righteousness stemmed from faith!  It is in our bloodline!

I opened up Romans 4 this afternoon and maybe read for twenty minutes.  Although I’ve read this chapter many times it washed over me in a yet another new way today.  Isn’t that amazing?  Verses I had read before came alive in a new way, it became clearer to me.  I see that as I seek the Word, I may not understand it right away, but as I keep seeking it, and ultimately my Father, I find Him in the Word.  This Word really is living and unlike any other thing written.  It really did come by way of the Holy Spirit and that is still what brings life to a mere word on a page for me…

…Life is NOW

I am thankful that I trust in you more.  I know you above anyone else can help me, love me, teach me, and guide me.  Nothing, absolutely nothing is too difficult for you.  I need not fear because you are always with me.  No feeling,worry, fear, or doubt is too much FOR YOU.   So, I might as well give them to you!  I know that I really do not want to hold on to them.  I do not like them one bit.  (As I typed that it just reminded me of Dr. Suess!)  YOU Lord are the Solid Rock I stand on and all other ground, such as people’s words, books, even best intentions, are shifting sand compared to you.  I can be content in you through all circumstances.  I see that life is not about waiting for WHEN we can rest, or when there is not conflict but it is about always meeting you right in the middle of all those things.  Life is about every moment, the conversations, the frustrations, everyday, one day at a time.  Life is right now.  Too often I have the perspective that it’s about getting through the difficult things to the gold at the end of the rainbow…  But really when you think about that cliche, isn’t the rainbow beautiful enough?  We can find the abiding peace and rest admidst everything.  I believe even Paul said something similar to this, didn’t he?


             Tonight I found myself again setting up lawn chairs, camping chairs etc in a circle in the most shady place we could find in our side yard.  I had the thought that it felt like we had just done this.  That was a year ago.  Tonight was our night of welcoming in our four youthworks staff for the summer.  This is my fourth summer of doing so!  The Youthworks arrival as well as the heat that usually joins them marks the beginning of summer for us.  It is in times like tonight that I truly experience the passing of seasons remaining in a place.  Tonight I saw this as a privelage. 

             We asked them their stories of how they came to be with us.  I enjoy listening to their stories while they have no idea that each of their stories will become part of the larger Cairo story, with all the people that God has brought into this place, and then the Cairo story fits into the larger God story that we have probably only heard whispers of so far.  Oh, if only the trees could talk and share what they’ve seen and heard over the years…

               Tonight we also had another new guest.  As of last Thursday night we had two young men, with the promise of others joining them, who bought a building on our main street in which they have decided to build a coffeeshop (They hope to have movie nights, bring music in with the connections they have, they are not into making a lot of money and they are vegetarians who hope to have heath food there as wells as records, books and internet.  Yes, very interesting.).  Yes, a coffeeshop in Cairo!  This has brought nothing but amusement, excitement and intrigue to me since I found out on Friday.  This has been a small prayer of mine since I arrived in Cairo four years ago, especially for a place to hang out.  Now, they have bought a building that we had spent much time praying about last summer.  Hmmm.  They have come from Florida and this has been a dream of one of theirs for a while, to find a river town where they could open a place like this.  His story is now added to the mix too.

             We talked about dreams (in came about talking about the coffeeshop) in a place where so many have never been taught to dream, or perhaps the dreams that come so natural as children have been crushed.  That has been on my mind because I know I used to day dream all the time as a child and I am ready to dream with God now!   Even talking about dreams in Cairo brought hope to me.

               Tonight I was thankful for the built in encouragement that God has arranged for us long term missionaries each summer with the arrival of Youthworks.  Again, I sensed excitement, the promise of new things, new adventures and new people.   I sensed that all is right because God is in charge and He is the one arranging everything.  This is refreshing to this sometimes weary soul.

…memoir of the Kingdom

It has been awhile since I’ve “chatted with you” via my blog.  I’ve been writing, but more personal stuff that I don’t have the boldness to share right now!  I’ve actually had more of a desire to write, and to write as a way to spend time with my Father, in different types of expression.  Ever since I was a child I knew I wanted to write.  I would write little poems, stories and create whole lives for my dolls through stories.  What fun it was!  I’ve decided to go back to that place.  As a child we were most like who God made us to be, without as much of the world’s limitations or guidelines imprinted on us as we do as adults.  Well, I want to live in God’s Kingdom here on Earth and not by the rules of the Kingdom of this World!   It is God I serve and not man.   So, back I go to being a child, a daughter of my most High King!  😉  Simplicity.  Adoration.   Joy.  Playfulness.  Love.   Adventure.

I am going a writing conference out in California this week.  For it, there was a writing contest that I entered, basically as a way to force myself to write a story.  I am going to (gulp!) be a little bold and by faith post this story here.   Now, This story is in no way a completed work and it is one I hope to develop more in the future.  What has fascinated me is this verse in Luke 12:32, the idea of being sheep, and being in the Kingdom which is how this story came to be.  There are so many verses on being sheep and being in His pasture!  It is a children’s story, but aren’t we all His children? 😉  My writing, as well as this story, are also in honor of my mother who also loved to write.  Since my mother died when I was 11 I never thought about honoring her until last week.  As I was thinking about Mother’s Day I asked the Lord how I could honor my mother and I heard WRITE.  I praise the Lord for my mother who chose to give me life, who chose to have a child, even when all the doctors told her not to.

So, in honor of my mother, Karen Mary Ciha is “The Memoir of the Kingdom”…

It was a day like every other day.  It was a day of great joy and celebration because each day was that kind of day in the Kingdom of Good Pasture.

The light shone wondrous across Good Pasture.  There was more than enough lush green grass for the sheep to graze in.  This grass was not of the type that would wither, it was grass that would remain forever.  They fed on it and were filled.  The harvest was abundant for the trees of the Pasture.  They bore much fruit of every kind, more fruit then the sheep could ever desire.  On the west end of the pasture there was a cool stream and many of the sheep took their afternoon naps along its banks.  There was always enough room for all.

The obedient sheep spent their time resting in the golden rays from the Sun, being loved by Good Shepherd, loving Him back and also loving each other.  They knew their need for Good Shepherd and his acceptance for them.  There was such peace and freedom in this relationship, that there was no comparison.  This was their life, simple as it was, and they would never seek to be anywhere else.  Most certainly they would never choose to go back to where they had once been.  They fully claimed their identity as Good Pasture citizens and that was that.

As was said these sheep of the Good Pasture had not always been in this Kingdom.  Back in their old pasture they had heard this still, silent Voice call to them, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” At first they did not know what to do about the Voice.  They had never heard it before.  They had many questions.  Where was it coming from?  What kingdom was it talking about?  They had meetings about the Voice.  They tried to figure out the Voice by their own understanding.  They brought in all of their most intelligent sheep, the ones that had studied the most about the pasture.  They each had their own opinion.  Many said to ignore the Voice.  Others said the Voice was a figment of their own imaginations.  As a whole flock they could not get the Voice out of their minds.

Then the lambs of the flock began to have dreams at night of following the Voice.  The dreams were so vivid, so real and most of all wonderful.  They told of a beautiful place where there was always enough to eat.  In the pasture where the sheep lived they could never be content.  They tried.  They worked hard to keep finding grass where they could graze.  They were worried most of the time and happiness seemed to last only so long.  When the Voice said, “Fear Not”, the sheep realized there was a place without fear.

The sheep decided to listen to their lambs.  They could not go on living in this pasture when there was a possibility of something better.  The sheep went by the way of Sharon.  The journey was not always easy.  At times they were tired, and at times they wanted to give up. There were wolves they had to escape and they always did by staying together.  There was a hunger for yet something more within these sheep that kept them going.  The Voice never left them.  They came to long for this Voice more than knowing the right way or even knowing where they were headed.  This flock was not the same flock as when they had left.

When they finally approached Good Pasture they found Good Shepherd calling to them.  They found out it was HIS VOICE all along.  He had been calling and waiting for them the whole time!

This wonderful Kingdom was given to these tender, humble sheep as the Good Shepherd had promised.  The sheep kept sharing with their lambs throughout all generations the story of their journey to Good Pasture.  As the sun is setting over the land you can often hear this story ringing across the pasture as mothers share with their little lambs, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

…God answered.

We have been allowed to have a student prayer meeting every Monday after school at the school I volunteer at.  We’re amazed by this!  The doors keep opening in places we never thought would be possible.  It truly is for His Glory, and His Glory alone.  We’ve invited students who have shown an active interest in the Lord, prayer and worship.  Its unlike any other children’s program we’ve done.  Its wonderful.  There has not been any dicipline issues, pressuring kids to come, coming up with curriculum etc.   This has been very freeing for me, not feeling that I had to perform in a sense or keep the kids entertained.   We’ve basically sat and prayed.   We’ve sung the Word.  We’ve only been able to do it a couple times so far (pray for this) but the times that we’ve done it have been incredible.  The kids truly want to be there and to pray.  They have been comfortable with praying and have even stepped in new ways such as praying what it says in the passage we’re focusing on.   Its powerful having the kids praying for their own school and for the things they see right before their own eyes.  I see the Lord leading their prayers as they’ve prayed the same things I’ve prayed for, such as raising up the younger ones to pray once they, the sixth graders, are gone.  I see how much better it is to embrace what the Spirit is doing rather than trying to create something yourself…

Last week we asked the kids what they wanted to pray for regarding their school.  They said FORGIVENESS.  That struck me as really important but I wouldn’t have thought to pray about that!  As we prayed I saw how much forgiveness is needed between students and adults at the school.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”  -Eph 4:32

On Wednesday of that week I was on my way out of the school when my friend, a sixth grade teacher, stopped me.  She told me how disrespectful the kids had been and she had just rewarded the six kids in her class that were listening to her and that it would only be the six that would be able to come to her “surprize birthday party” the next day.  I was very disappointed to hear that the two boys that were at the prayer meeting were part of the class that got in trouble. 

The next day the teacher woke up sensing that God did not want her to punish the kids any longer.  She knew she had had some difficult things going on and that she had taken some of her frustruation out on punishing the kids which was not right.  They had already punished the kids enough.  So, that morning when she came to school she told her class that and asked for their forgiveness!  That is an amazing show of humility for a teacher to admit where she had been wrong.  The kids in turn asked for forgivness for how they acted.  That is even more amazing.  They were all forgiven.  They all got to come to the surprize party that really was not a surprize because they could not keep it a secret!  They were so adorable though in their excitement, their teacher was asked all day if it was time for the party (that she wasn’t suppose to know about!) , or time to go get their grapefruits (yes, one student brought grapefruits for a treat!).  As I was walking up the school one girl yelled out my name that I was there, as if it was time to start the party, when there was still an hour….    There are many times I just have to chuckle!

On Monday we didn’t know that situation that would be in need of forgiveness.  You led the students.  We prayed.  You answered.  This is the only way I want to live.   Thank you Jesus.

…i want to be found praising my Savior.

Everytime that I walk by this lady’s room at the nursing home I hear old time gospel music playing.  It is a really refreshing difference from the sounds of  TV’s being played in almost all the other rooms.

Sometimes I just glance in and see her sitting in her chair with the most contented look on her face singing along, praising her Savior.

I love that look.

Last Monday I went into her room to say hello.  She remarked how she just can’t help but get happy inside as she sings to Jesus.  She told me how she had been listening to that tape over and over.  I found out that on Sunday she would be 99.  She looked me straight in the eyes and said that she would not want to live over again, with all the pain in the world, how she had prayed so hard and she would be ready to go home!  Her parents had been Christians and they had made sure her soul was saved, knowing that was the most important thing, beyond any treasure on this earth.

This couple moment encounter really stopped my train of thought on that particular day.  Jesus touched me through her.  At 99 she is a true witness for the Lord.  This woman really knows her Savior.  He is why she lives.  This is how I want to be her age.  This is how I want to be NOW.!  I want to be found sitting praising my Savior no matter what day it is…


(I started this quite a while ago…and although I never finished it, I’m still posting it as is, because I feel that it is important, and even the fact that its not finished or “perfect” is something I believe God is try to teach me through…I’m not perfect and I don’t have to be, HE IS!)

Most of the time I love sitting and reflecting on recent or past events and discovering what things I had learned or seen through them. Reflection is something that I have normally said that I am good at. To be honest, as I think over these last few weeks I have no idea how to process them. I feel the need to share and am hoping that blogging will aid me in processing. When I usually write a blog I have something in mind already that I want to share. I’ve usually highligted something in my journal knowing that I wanted to blog that, and sometimes they actually make it to my blog! Most of the time they don’t. 😉
These weeks have thrown me for a loop and I am still not sure how to digest them. Perhaps I’m learning that some things are simply to be lived and not easily figured out by my human mind. Perhaps I’m still in the lesson that is to be learned because God’s timing is not mine, the lesson won’t be learned exactly at what I see to be the end of that particular event. Even with my “Perhaps” I’m trying to figure it out! Some things just can’t be wrapped up in the neat little packages that I want them in, they are suppose to be messy, so we can truly see a God that is in control of what we see as a mess.
Beyond anything else friends, these last weeks, even months, I have come to realize my desperate need for my Father. He’s making that pretty blatantly obvious to me. I usually can get by with doing things on my own strength (even though I will want HIS) and that has not been happening. I CAN’T DO A THING WITHOUT HIM. And you know what? Neither can you. I pray that we can rejoice in that! Wouldn’t that be amazing if we could rejoice in our weakness because then He gets to be stronger? We want Him to be stronger right?
Right now I’m at the point where I’m trying to learn how to be weak…

First came the Woman’s Retreat two weeks ago…

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. FOR WHEN I AM WEAK, THEN I AM STRONG.” – 2 Cor 12:9-10

We were asked to speak and help lead the women’s retreat for a church in Springfield, MO where the Tillmans came from. Kristy and Sharon were going to be the main speakers and the rest of us were sharing testimonies from our time in Cairo. We had known and had been praying and preparing for quite a while. The week of the conference most of us got some sort of a stomach flu/cold/sore throats/losing voice….wow. Sharon and Kristy went ahead and still spoke despite the voices nearly gone….its not about us, it is seriously God’s message coming through us, not what we have to say. He made it clear that it wasn’t about us, as we were mostly in a place where we couldn’t “pretend” we were admitting that we were weak…and that is when God really can move…and HE DID. We saw the hunger for the Lord in women in a way we haven’t seen before. And we knew it wasn’t us! He orchestrated everything. Praise to His Name!

Then, we came back and there was an Ice Storm in Cairo and the surrounding areas…

“He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly. He gives snow like wool; he scatters hoarfrost like ashes. He hurls down his crystals of ice like crumbs; who can stand before his cold? He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow and the waters flow…” – Psalm 147:15-18

Then, after a week of braving the ice, we headed to The Call, a prayer meeting for Southern Il.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” -Psalm 133:1

Yep, God is in control.
I am not.
Even when I think I am, I’m not.
Even when we think we are, we’re not.
May it free us to know that we do not have to be in control because our Father is…


So, I had this dream last night. I think I even remember as I was drifting off to sleep asking for a dream…Thank you Lord.

This is what I remember. It was my wedding day. There were people that I know from life that were there. We were at this house getting ready. But we weren’t really, really getting ready. It was more like we were supposed to be getting ready, we knew we had to get ready, everyone knew there was going to be a wedding but they just were choosing not to get ready. They were finding other things to do. I think people were coming in and out of the house acting as if they were doing things to get ready but again they really weren’t. It was all an act. Bags, things, etc were all strewn around. To say the least, this was all really bugging me. It bugged me but yet I really wasn’t doing anything about it. I was grumbling but I wasn’t telling people to get there act together! I wasn’t even ready myself! I remember thinking in my head that I hadn’t even put my make-up on yet and the wedding was in a 30 minutes! The clock was ticking but I realized no one had even given me a Bridal Shower, my hair was not done and I was not packed for my honeymoon! I don’t even know who my bridesmaids were because they weren’t around helping me get ready! Ok, I do remember Sara being around me at one point. Then, for some reason, I left the house and walked around looking for people. I think I was in my wedding dress at this point. It was really hilly and it kind of looked like we were at an amusement park (remember, this is a dream) so it was quite a trek. I’m not sure where my destination was (hopefully to my wedding, huh?!) but I saw a group of people that I knew were from home, that said hi but did not come with me. My friends’ mom (Thanks Nancy!) did ask if I needed help

As I was waking up, all I knew is that I wanted to be ready! I wanted to be ready for my wedding! I just could not get it out of my mind. I didn’t feel ready. I was thankful to know that. There was such urgency in me.

Now, although I do want to be ready for my actual wedding when that does happen here on earth, that is really not the wedding I believe my dream was alluding to. I knew right away that it was referring to my wedding with Jesus. When Jesus returns, He is not only coming back forever, He is coming back for a Bride, which is supposed to be all believers. We are going to have a wedding! (I encourage you to read Revelations 19-22, and really the whole book.)

“Let us rejoice and exult, and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb ahs come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure….” -Revelations 19:7-8

When it comes down to it, our purpose here on earth is to be made ready for our eternal life with Jesus, our Bridegroom, in Heaven. We are on earth for Him, and to tell others about Him so that they can be ready when He comes too. We are not here for ourselves. Oh, will we be ready? Will you be ready?

Sadly, I think my dream was depicting the state of believers and churches today. As a body, as a Bride, we are not ready. So many of us do not even know our identity. We are not ready because we don’t even know that there is going to be a wedding. We may know there is going to be a wedding but we don’t think its urgent. We think we have plenty of time so that we don’t really have to get ready….yet. We may not know how to get ready because we don’t take the time to find out. For me, I know that there is going to be a wedding. From this dream though I know I was not ready. Often I’m not living as the wedding being my real purpose in life. I need to not just keep it to myself but I need to tell others about the wedding and that they need to get ready. As I was typing that I had to laugh because there are so many times that I thought it would be great fun to be a wedding planner. Now with this dream, I have a whole another perspective on that! Oh, friends, get ready. Lets help each other get ready and “plan”. Lets get excited about this wedding! We all know how long people plan for their weddings here on earth. It is ridiculous the time and money that is spent on invitations, food, clothes etc, how much more time should we spend for our wedding with our Heavenly Bridegroom???


Now, I just couldn’t wake up out of this dream this morning. I had told my boyfriend that I would pray with him this morning at the house of prayer. So, with this dream still playing through my mind I arrived to pray. As I walked in, my boyfriend was wearing a white shirt, and black pants. I stared at him. He said he was dressed for work, but he normally doesn’t dress like that! Then, he said that he had flowers for me! As I held the flowers in front of me, I realized that in my dream that I hadn’t even had flowers and we had a good laugh! I was thankful for the laughter and I have to say I think my Father was having a good time really pushing this urgency for His wedding on me! Oh, does He have a sense of humor!

But really, get ready for your wedding.

…what the Lord is doing with the kids!

As I came back to Cairo after Christmas it was very impressed on my mind that this was the last semester with the kids that I’ve worked with for the last 3 and a half years. When I first met them they were cute little eight year olds that ran up as soon as you entered the room to give you a huge hug and now they are “too cool for school” sixth graders that try to act aloof but you know they are crying inside for attention. Oh, God so longs to satisfy them with Himself! Within these last couple weeks I have seen things play out before my eyes that we could only have faith to pray for these last years! Our Father is faithful to answer the prayers of very weak people.


I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. (I’ve been very challenged by this, Will His praise always be in my mouth??) My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad….

Here is a basic rundown of what God has done so far with the kids in 2009:

– Sara and I prayed before we entered the elementary school for the first time after break. The moment that I walked through the classroom door a boy ran up to me asking me for a Bible! He said that he’s heard so much about what it say but that He wanted to read it for himself. I saw the hunger in his eyes! I was amazed in even those first moments!

– As soon as I stepped out of my car two days later I heard a shout from the second floor of the school, “Miss. Stacy, Miss. Stacy, do you have my Bible?!” I’ve never had that shouted out of a window before! I had to laugh and shout back yes and I heard a lot of excited shouts and jumping up and down! I have never seen anyone so excited for a Bible before. Wow.


– Since this boy asked for a Bible, other kids asked for Bibles and I got permission to ask every child in this classroom if they would like a Bible. On the second Monday back I walked into the school with a whole bag full of Bibles to hand out. The kids were almost running me down to get their Bible. Again, something I’ve never experienced here in Cairo. So, now every kid in the class either has brought a Bible they already owned to school or they’ve received one. There were two children that have never shown any interest (One girl professes to be of a different religion) even asked for Bibles! Again, wow!

– Every time that I’ve been at school, especially when I’m in that classroom, I’ve been asked to read from the Bible or I’ve had a very significant conversation with a child about God or the Bible. There was one day that I was able to read from the book of Jonah (Much of this interest in the Bible has started from things like the story of the 10 commandments that were in their social studies book! The Lord will use any open doors!) and then they asked questions for over an hour!

– The teacher in this classroom has really grown in her boldness about talking about the Lord and now she reads from her Bible in class. She’s had children asking for it and saying that it is okay if she does it. They’ve told her not to fear!

– I learned last week that now some of the kids in the class have started a Bible Study! (We’ve prayed so hard for the kids to rise to leadership!) I was really taken back by this one! Our God can really DO ANYTHING. They meet in the morning when they have reading time and talk about I think the book of John. One of the kids who have been in Bible Studies with us is a part of and he knows that he is suppose to be there helping to lead it!

– There is one boy that was given a Bible and a few days later he had read the first 12 chapters of the book of John. I sat on the floor with him for 45 minutes talking with him and the conversation again just amazed me. This child is really seeking God in a way I’ve never seen a child seek God. He said that he prays each time to learn truth. He is truly seeking God himself! He hasn’t been to church much. I saw that he took everything that he read literally and believed it. He believed all the miracles that Jesus did. He believes He is the light. He is fascinated by that. When I told him that many people in church don’t read the Bible like he has, he didn’t understand that. His insight humbled me.

Please pray for these kids to continually be seeking our Father. I truly know that it is the Holy Spirit leading all of this.

– We had two young women accept or recommit their lives to the Lord last week! It was renewed in me again that the great miracle is salvation!


“…Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!” ~ Psalm 34:1-3

Please exalt the Lord’s name along with me and His faithfulness to the children, to us, and most of all to Himself and to what He has said He will do!