…evidence of your uprising at Uprising!

God is indeed moving. 

I can easily say that to you, but then you ask, how do you know He is moving Stacy?

I am seeing the evidence before my eyes.

Every Friday we meet at 6:00 to share a meal together and then we have a time of worship and prayer (And no, we’re not a church…we get asked this many times!  We are simply believers who want to unite people in prayer before our King.)  We have done this for most of the time that I have lived in Cairo.  We call it Uprising.  The first year it was basically us.  Then, we had our one faithful community member that joined us (If it wasn’t for him, we may have stopped and that was not what we were supposed to do!)  We asked many times, “Why are we doing this?!”  We went back many times to the vision behind it, to bring people together, a place for people to meet God who may not be going to a church etc.  After probably two years we began to have more of a regular group, with new people each week and children that joined us.  We have slowly seen God grow it into what He wanted it to be.  And we probably still have no clue!

On a recent Friday we were over at the housing projects where we meet one Friday a month and I went to pick up some kids who wanted to come.  As we walked up to the building I heard everyone singing “Trading my Sorrows”.  How amazing it was to hear the sound of worship float in the area of this often dark place!  As we walked up the stairs I expected to see many children as this is who we usually have join us here.  I was surprised to see that this week we actually had more adults!  As I joined in worship I couldn’t help but laugh in joy!  These adults that joined us are ones that have recently gained victory in some way!  One has become sober after years of addiction.  One has just won a many year process of gaining custody of her daughter.  One has just begun to walk the road of healing from addiction and has brought his family with him.

This is all by your hand Father.

You are really doing it!

And this is only the beginning…


To read more and see pictures, check out my friend Sara’s blog at: http://gerberdaisy.wordpress.com/2008/04/01/uprising/

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